“o how deil, tam, can that be true?
the chase gaed frae the north, man;
i saw mysel, they did pursue,
the horsemen back to forth, man;
and at dunblane, in my ain sight,
they took the brig wi' a' their might,
and straught to stirling wing'd their flight;
but, cursed lot! the gates were shut;
and mony a huntit poor red-coat,
for fear amaist did swarf, man!”
la, la, la, la, c.
my sister kate cam up the gate
wi' crowdie unto me, man;
she swoor she saw some rebels run
to perth unto dundee, man;
their left-hand general had nae skill;
the angus lads had nae gude will
that day their neibors' blude to spill;
for fear, for foes, that they should lose
their cogs o' brose; they scar'd at blows,
and hameward fast did flee, man.
la, la, la, la, c.
they've lost some gallant gentlemen,
amang the highland clans, man!
i fear my lord panmure is slain,
or fallen in whiggish hands, man,
now wad ye sing this double fight,
some fell for wrang, and some for right;
but mony bade the world gude-night;
then ye may tell, how pell and mell,
by red claymores, and muskets knell,
wi' dying yell, the tories fell,
and whigs to hell did flee, man.
la, la, la, la, c.