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Craigieburn Wood
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craigieburn wood

sweet closes the ev'ning on craigieburn wood,

and blythely awaukens the morrow;

but the pride o' the spring in the craigieburn wood

can yield to me nothing but sorrow.

chorus.—beyond thee, dearie, beyond thee, dearie,

and o to be lying beyond thee!

o sweetly, soundly, weel may he sleep

that's laid in the bed beyond thee!

i see the spreading leaves and flowers,

i hear the wild birds singing;

but pleasure they hae nane for me,

while care my heart is wringing.

beyond thee, c.

i can na tell, i maun na tell,

i daur na for your anger;

but secret love will break my heart,

if i conceal it langer.

beyond thee, c.

i see thee gracefu', straight and tall,

i see thee sweet and bonie;

but oh, what will my torment be,

if thou refuse thy johnie!

beyond thee, c.

to see thee in another's arms,

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