would swagger, swear, get drunk, kick up a riot,
nay even thus invade a lady's quiet.
now, thank our stars! those gothic times are fled;
now, well-bred men—and you are all well-bred—
most justly think (and we are much the gainers)
such conduct neither spirit, wit, nor manners.
for right the third, our last, our best, our dearest,
that right to fluttering female hearts the nearest;
which even the rights of kings, in low prostration,
most humbly own—'tis dear, dear admiration!
in that blest sphere alone we live and move;
there taste that life of life—immortal love.
smiles, glances, sighs, tears, fits, flirtations, airs;
'gainst such an host what flinty savage dares,
when awful beauty joins with all her charms—
who is so rash as rise in rebel arms?
but truce with kings, and truce with constitutions,
with bloody armaments and revolutions;
let majesty your first attention summon,
ah! ca ira! the majesty of woman!