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Dialogue song—Philly And Willy
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dialogue song—philly and willy

tune—“the sow's tail to geordie.”

he. o philly, happy be that day,

when roving thro' the gather'd hay,

my youthfu' heart was stown away,

and by thy charms, my philly.

she. o willy, aye i bless the grove

where first i own'd my maiden love,

whilst thou did pledge the powers above,

to be my ain dear willy.

both. for a' the joys that gowd can gie,

i dinna care a single flie;

the lad i love's the lad for me,

the lass i love's the lass for me,

and that's my ain dear willy.

and that's my ain dear philly.

he. as songsters of the early year,

are ilka day mair sweet to hear,

so ilka day to me mair dear

and charming is my philly.

she. as on the brier the budding rose,

still richer breathes and fairer blows,

so in my tender bosom grows

the love i bear my willy.

both. for a' the joys, c.

he. the milder sun and bluer sky

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